
My quote a day calendar is really in tune with me at the moment! Today’s is perfect for my state of mind, and how different I feel from this time last year. Today is the last day of January… The weather has been glorious… Sunny, warm… It truly felt like spring was just around the corner, though the forecast for the next few days isn’t great. Still, my state of mind is certainly more hopeful and forward-looking than it has been; I honestly felt I’d never feel this way again.

Yes… Life WILL never be the same again. I’m still aware every waking hour that my parents are dead. What if there IS no afterlife? That that was it – I’ll never, ever see them again? These thoughts are always there in the back or the front of my mind. And yet, lately, I’ve managed to continue living my life, feeling positive and looking forwards, despite these thought. They co-exist with joie-de-vivre…something I didn’t think was possible.

Today’s calendar quote, which appears below, was written by Albert Camus…

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”
Albert Camus

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